
What is travel insurance?
Travel insurance is a cover for the risks you might face in your trip, overseas or domestic. Typically, it covers death, personal accident, medical expenses, repatriation, loss/ delay of checked baggage, passport loss and third party liability.
Why do you need travel insurance?
One usually travels for two reasons- pleasure or business. You do not want anything to ruin your hard earned holiday or your crucial business meeting. But there is a possibility of some unexpected occurrence no matter how perfect the planning is. Unfortunate events such as baggage loss, passport loss, a medical emergency or an accident can affect you. Having Travel Insurance protects you from all such perils. It ensures that in the unknown foreign land you are not left stranded in any kind of an emergency.
What does a standard travel policy cover?
A standard travel policy covers death, personal accident, medical expenses, repatriation, loss/ delay of checked baggage, passport loss and third party liability.
What is the cost of travel insurance? How is the premium determined?
The cost of travel insurance depends on a number of factors- your age, the duration of your trip, the country you plan to visit and the benefits included in the plan.
How is the premium charged?
The premium is generally charged on a slab basis. There are pre-defined slabs from which you need to select which one you fall into.